
Other, precise III
Performance, pièce sonore


Four recorded voices

1 — Just do like everyone else / Just do like you always do.

2 — Don’t look around, for this might change your mind / Don’t look around, go round and round and round and round / Go round in circles, circles.

3 — A or B ? Circle it.

4 — Female? Male? Other. Precise. / Single? Married? Other. Precise. / Square? Circle? Triangle? Other. Precise. / Student? Employed? Unemployed? Other. Precise.

Performative voice

1a — No. No. (No.)

1b — Yes. Yes. (Yes.)

2 — Pretend I am a square. I would rather like to be put in a circle rather than a square  / Pretend I am a circle. I would rather like to be put in a triangle rather than a circle. / Pretend I am a square. Pretend I am a circle. Pretend I am a triangle.

Vue de la pièce performée à la Head Genève, Juin 2017